I laughed for my 40th Birthday (Thank you Lewis Black)

“I wanted you to laugh for your 40th birthday, not cry”

Those would be the words spoken by my wife, when she told me we were going to see Lewis Black: The Rant is Due live on stage. We’ve been a fan of his for years, with his neurotic and pseudo-angry shtick that he gives over and over again on TV and in Movies.

I thought his performance was spot on. He delivered. It’s hard to place your finger on the ‘why’ this guy is so funny, other than he says what everyone else is thinking when it comes to hot topics of our human race. Of course he peppered his show with jabs at our wonderful health care system, obamacare, the marvel of electronics, and poking fun at the multiple difference in our generations present and past. Oh, and he HAD to berate social media powerhouses like Facebook and Twitter (which I thought was hilarious).

I just love how his ‘Rants’ are always so animated. He reminds me of about a dozen people I grew up with. I keep waiting for him to have an aneurysm or heart attack, he’s so ‘animated’ and ‘stressed’.

Thanks to my beautiful wife, I can say that I did cry, but it was only from laughing so hard.

Thanks babe.



 Lewis Black | Official Website